Thursday, February 02, 2012

Area Artist Presents "Ghost Radio"

Info on a great project from artist Ven Voisey

"Ghost Radio is an ongoing audio collage/fm transmission project by Ven Voisey to included in the 2012 deCordova Biennial.

True ghost stories and paranormal experiences are gathered through individual conversations, spirit communication attempts, telephone messages, radio technology experiments, found audio clips, social media sound fragments... What I have discovered is that ghosts are everywhere, and disembodied individuals and energies seem to be present in increasing numbers. Belief systems and skepticism varies as widely as the personalities I encounter.
The material collected is recomposed into an audio installation that drifts between music composition, cut up audio docudrama, and ghost hunt: a mashup of spirituality, mythology, history, technology and a coping with imminent mortality. Seven low-wattage fm transmitters are currently installed throughout the deCordova Museum. Visitors to the museum are able to pick up a radio from the front desk & use it to seek out the transmissions throughout the building. The stories become ghosts themselves, and by physically searching through space, invisible fragments are revealed."

To contribute your story, call the Ghost Radio hotline:

(aka 213.444.6785)

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