Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Ghosts & Legends of Upstreet Pittsfield

Based on the longtime local folklore project These Mysterious Hills, a new downtown walking tour will explore a lesser known, mysterious, and somewhat darker side of Pittsfield's historic and cultural center. Beginning in front of the Pittsfield Common, an early city graveyard, this approximately 1.5 hour walk will delve into ghost stories, legends, lore, and strange-but-true tales attached to many Upstreet locations, including several of the city's premiere cultural venues.

A suggested donation of $5 per person will go to defray expenses involved in ongoing research into the rich folklore of the Berkshires.

Local author and tour host Joe Durwin's These Mysterious Hills has run on a semi-regular basis in the former Advocate Weekly (2004-2009) and (2010-2014), and his work on lore and mysteries of the region has also been featured in Fate Magazine, Haunted Times, the North Adams Transcript, as well as William Shatner’s “Weird or What” on the SyFy Channel, MSG Films’ “Bennington Triangle,” and numerous documentary specials for PBS.

Non-matinee tours will take place primarily after dark, trick-or-treat rules apply, light clothing recommended. Crosswalks and traffic rules will be observed throughout the tour. The tour will cover some mature themes, and parental caution is advised, this event may not be suitable for persons under 12.

Tour dates & times (rain will cancel) :
Oct 23 5:30PM
Oct 24 7:00PM
Oct 25 1:00 & 3:30PM
Oct 29: 5:30PM
Oct 30: 5:30PM

Disclaimer: Neither These Mysterious Hills or any party associated with it assumes any responsibility for injury, aggravation, nightmares, unsettling thoughts, demonic possession, occult obsessions, temporary or permanent haunting, poltergeist, or any other type of preternatural harassment or paranormal experience that may result from participation in this tour.

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