Tuesday, May 05, 2015


A new kind of history...

Chock full of ghost stories, legendary people, strange creatures, UFO accounts,  unsolved mysteries, and all manner of bizarre incidents... this book will offer the first comprehensive collection of folklore drawn from three and a half centuries of local history.  In this form, it represents the culmination of more than a decade of writing on all things weird in the Berkshires and its surroundings.
With your help, I can bring this unconventional chronicle of a fascinating region to life, allowing a unique alternate window into an important part of New England history for both residents, visitors, and potential visitors alike.

Uncovering the Berkshires

  • As an independently produced and published work, These Mysterious Hills can go beyond generic genre limitations to portray the diverse collection of local curiosities.  An additional $2,000 dollars is being sought to help defray costs involved in printing, distributing and promoting this book.
  • Unique perks available to funders include free book copies, special limited edition merchandise, extensive promotional opportunities, guided tours and rare chances to explore little known haunted sites in the Berkshires.    Click here for more info.
  • All funds raised will be used to underwrite costs of making this book available to residents and visitors of the area as well as curiosity seekers the world over.

Benefits the Berkshires

In addition to providing a broader perspective of the history of the region, These Mysterious Hills will help enhance the region's appeal as a destination for para-tourism, one of the fastest growing segments of the travel industry.  Included among the numerous locations brought to life in this book are many of the region's premiere venues for culture, history and natural beauty.


  1. Anonymous7:42 PM

    I can't wait to get my hands on this book. I'm pissed I missed the two grand rally, as I would love a tour of the colt mansion. Joe is one of the best writers I have ever read, and I truly can't wait to read this book.

  2. So where could I pursue a copy of the book?,I'm local to the area, sounds interesting.?
